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The Elephant Fountain at Kempinski Adlon Hotel Berlin.

Kempinski Adlon Hotel Berlin

Interior Designer
Jagdfeld Design
Kempinski Adlon Hotel Berlin
Verre églomisé

The verre églomisé piece at the Kempinski Adlon Hotel Berlin features elephants, frogs and lotus flowers.

Emma took as her inspiration the striking fountain located in the lobby which was a gift to the hotel in around 1930 from the Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, who was known for his lavish lifestyle. The finished verre églomisé piece, situated behind the bar measures over six metres wide. It marries soft golds, grey-blues, turquoise and jade, reflecting the golden ceiling light and rich jewel-coloured fabrics in the lobby. The design references the auspicious symbolic motifs of elephants, frogs and lotus flowers that feature in the fountain. 

The 6 metre wide piece was created with verre églomisé, Japanese washi papers and pigments.